Young worker hurt in construction incident


Photo from FACE Report: Mini skid steer with trencher attachment at incident site.

It is critical to make sure that employees are properly trained and qualified to operate equipment at work. For young workers, it’s also important to remember that minors are legally prohibited to operate certain hazardous machinery. State labor laws prohibit minors from using specific hazardous equipment including power saws, forklifts, and other construction related machinery.

A recent report published by the FACE Program in Washington State highlights an incident involving a 16-year-old construction worker who lost both legs while using trenching equipment.  This equipment included a mini skid steer (a small but powerful machine used to move other equipment) with a rotary trencher attachment. The rotary trencher had a rotating chain with teeth that could easily cut through soil. 

The young employee had been shown how to use the equipment the day before and was using the equipment by himself on the day of the incident.  He stopped to check his progress on the trench without shutting off the equipment. While standing next to the trench, the side of it collapsed and his legs were pulled into the rotating chain.

This tragic incident emphasizes the need for proper training, supervision, and awareness of legal restrictions when it comes to young workers operating potentially hazardous equipment. Ultimately, it’s the employer’s responsibility to train and supervise young workers. But it is also important for young workers to know about restrictions that may apply for the work they are able to perform and to speak up with safety concerns.

For more information about this incident:

And for more information on Oregon labor laws related to minor workers: