GOSH student and young professional day opens doors

This year’s Governor’s Occupational Safety and Health conference in Portland featured a student/young professional day on March 7, 2023. Those who were studying public health or occupational safety or others who have an interest in pursuing a future career in the field were encouraged to apply to the free event.

Thirteen participants from a variety of backgrounds gathered to attend breakout sessions, tour the exhibit hall, and spend some time talking with professionals as part of a group and one-on-one. At mid-day, the group shared lunch and exchanged stories.

O[yes] also sponsored a booth in the exhibit hall that created many opportunities to talk with GOSH attendees about young worker safety.

Dede Montgomery spearheaded the planning efforts. “I feel like this was one of the best student days ever,” she said. “It was a great group who really appreciated the experience.”

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