Summer jobs 101
Three lifeguards on duty at their summer job.

It doesn’t matter whether you are looking for a new summer job, or if you are looking to hire summer help, there are some great resources to help you get started.

If you are looking for a job….

  1. Ask about working hours and where you will be working.
  2. Does the employer have safety training as part of their onboarding?
  3. Talk to another worker who already has a job and ask them what it’s like.
  4. Find out more with this handout on everything young workers need to know when looking for work.

If you are hiring….

  1. Is your training program for new hires easy to understand?
  2. Do you have all the required postings for workers in one of the common areas?
  3. How do you conduct on-the-job training? Do you assign mentors/buddies?
  4. Find out more with this great list of tips for keeping young workers safe.
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