Oregon Young Employee Safety Coalition

Latest News

  • Stay safe while working in the heat
    Are these July days feeling a bit hotter than normal? It sure seems so to us. No matter what your work is during these hot days of summer, it’s essential to stay hydrated. If you work outside, though, it’s even more important to plan ahead, and to pay attention to how you and your coworkers…
  • O[yes] 2024 Media Contest Winners!
    We are pleased to announce the 2024 winners of the o[yes] media contest! This year, our 16th year of the contest, all entries were given the task of encouraging others to take the O[yes] online Safety Awareness Training. We had more graphic design entries than we’ve ever had, and it was challenging to pick our…
  • Young worker injured in ice cream shop
    Many young workers have jobs in food service, from the finest restaurants to food trucks. All these workplaces have inherent risks, and some of those can have life-altering consequences. On March 15, 2023, a young worker at an ice cream parlor was cleaning the ice cream machine. They had a rag in their right hand…
  • Student/early professional day at the Cascade Conference
    This year’s Cascade Occupational Safety and Health Conference in Eugene featured a student/young professional day of those who were studying public health or occupational safety or others who have an interest in pursuing a future career in the field. Seven participants from a variety of backgrounds gathered to attend breakout sessions, tour the exhibit hall,…