Stay safe while working in the heat

Are these July days feeling a bit hotter than normal? It sure seems so to us. No matter what your work is during these hot days of summer, it’s essential to stay hydrated. If you work outside, though, it’s even more important to plan ahead, and to pay attention to how you and your coworkers are feeling. 

Last year, Oregon OSHA – the agency that regulates workplace safety and health in Oregon– passed a new rule designed to better protect workers from heat. This means that your employer needs to take actions to help you stay safe, especially when you work outside. As an employee or worker, we encourage you to ask your supervisor (or other workers) what practices are being taken to keep you safe. 

Different parts of the new Oregon OSHA Heat Rule go into effect the hotter it gets outside, such as access to shade and water, communication in event of emergency, and training. 

We all should know for our own personal safety, whether at work or play, the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and to stay hydrated by drinking water. Sometimes the best solution, when it can be done, is to stay out of the sun or outdoors during the hottest part of the day. 

Also know that Oregon OSHA encourages workers to call them directly if employers aren’t taking the new heat rule seriously. 

Learn more about Oregon OSHA’s heat rule at

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